Partition of bengal.

PARTITION OF BENGAL- Partition of Bengal by British and their Failure The greatest weapon of imperia¬lism is creation of dissension among the subjects, development of mutual suspicion and mistrust and thereby preventing unity among them to perpetuate rule. During the second half of the nineteenth century, particularly after the revolt of 1857, there was a gradual growth of patriotism and nationalism among the Indians which naturally became a matter of uneasiness among the British rulers. The foundation of the Indian National Congress in 1885 and its criticism of the British administra¬tion as well as its demand for the redress of the grievances of the Indian people all the more strengthened the national feeling of the Indians. The anti-Congress movement of Sir Syed Ahmad, if not entirely encouraged by the British, at least created the opportunity of sowing the seeds of dissension between the two great Indian commu¬nities—the Hindus and the Muslims, by the British imperia...


Something deep about technology

This fast change in engineering atound these last ( years has produced the completely curtent reality at which viruses wil reproduce. While at (989. viruses were mainly distributed by snekernet. as users walked diseettes from machine to machine, m oderni viruses .. are capable of spreadingi Groundthe world inthe bline of a digital eye.-Saran Gordon, lnfotmation Security, Novemberor some ages, information-security application that observed and offed machine viruss signatures todetermine trusted upon
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Partition of bengal.


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